Saturday, September 19, 2015

A little detour

At the beginning of this year I announced that I would be updating the site and moving. Then I went silent for about six months which was completely unexpected on my end. My life took a little detour:

While we are absolutely thrilled about adding another member to our family the journey has been rocky, and at times quite frightening. I was submitted to the hospital at 11 weeks and was on a strict rest order for a couple of months after. The experience has been painful physically and has definitely been emotionally exhausting. So, that is where I have been during my hiatus. I am still planning my new site though! so please tune in again soon as I hope to have things up and running in a few weeks.

Much love to you all!


Cheesemakin' Mamma said...

Congratulations!!!! So happy for you guys. I'm sorry to hear it has been rough. Praying it gets better and that your baby will enter this world without any problems. God bless you guys!

Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

Congrats! that is awesome! HOpe you have a good pregnancy from here on out!

Anonymous said...

congrats who was the daddy? was it some drunk pickup? u look like a slut so i figured some random dude dropped goo in your hole and now its the husbands kid