Friday, November 16, 2012

Enough already!

This is what I brought down from my attic today, with my own two hands.

(B was super proud of his woman for being so courageous to get it down myself. My motivation? it was waking the baby up from her nap. Sleep deprivation won out over fear this time, tee hee :)  That brings the grand total to 4 squirrels and 2 raccoons. They should have been paying rent for all the trouble they caused me. I mean seriously is there a sign on my roof saying all furry critters live here or something? Sheesh.
On another note, tomorrow B is taking me Christmas decor shopping :D
On another another note he is trying to get a part-time gig close to home :/ happy but nervous at the same time. Gonna be a lot of working.
I miss my man friend!


Bella Johnson said...

good luck christmas decore shopping! i love christmas decorations!!!

okay and i tagged you in this post ...

Bella :)

Lizzy said...

Thank you Bella I'm gonna try and figure out how to do that on my page lol